Students Invited to Enter Art and Conservation Contests

Two competitions are currently open to student submissions this month. Firstly, the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGS) department is seeking artwork from University of Redlands students on social justice topics by Nov. 17, 2023. Secondly, Redlands-based ESRI has a contest open worldwide, but also seeks student entries of conservation-themed ArcGIS StoryMaps by Oct. 27, 2023.

Social Justice Conference Artwork Competition

Submissions of art are part of the WGS department’s 16th Annual Social Justice Conference. The subject of the art should revolve around social justice topics and “may include, but are not limited to, our theme of bodily autonomy, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality,” according to the flier for the contest. 

Two students working on the project, Ellie Faith-Maldonado and Isela Benavides, say one new aspect about this year’s competition is a $200 prize for the winning entry. In addition, the winning artwork will be featured on the poster for the conference, held in March 2024, to celebrate Women’s History Month. Other art submitted may also be displayed during the event. 

Those interested in entering can fill out a Google form and email the art work to

For any questions, contact Dr. Jennifer Nelson, director of the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies program, at Entries are due Nov. 17, 2023.

ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition

Another contest open to students is through ESRI; a global company with its headquarters in Redlands, California. The company’s ArcGIS software allows users to create StoryMaps, a way of telling a story by adding information and text to a map.

The competition website states, “Maps are an integral part of storytelling—a story can effect change and create awareness about climate change and conservation. ArcGIS StoryMaps enables storytellers to easily combine text, maps, and interactive content to make an engaging story that informs and inspires.”

Winners and runner ups receive a certificate and social media recognition. Winners also receive an award at the 2024 ESRI Conference. The contest is world wide, and seeks conservation-themed entries to focus on “the restoration and conservation of the earth’s lands and waters,” according to the contest information.  

Dr. Steven D. Moore, Director of the Center for Spatial Studies, encourages those interested in the contest to contact them early for any help needed with student entries. Entries are due Friday, Oct. 27, 2023.

More information is available here and assistance is available from the Center for Spatial Studies at

Photo by Manuel Magallanes.

Adelaide Hubble is a freshman majoring in environmental studies and minoring in spatial studies. She enjoys writing about club events and any important issues on campus. Adelaide is from Las Vegas and likes to listen to 80s/90s alternative rock and explore coffee shops in her free time.

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