A low-stakes, high-energy game of bingo took place on the second floor of Hunsaker in the Bulldog Room on Jan. 22, courtesy of the campus organization Doing Activities With Great Spirit (otherwise known as DAWGS). The group serves to fill in the shoes left by the Associated Students of the University of Redlands (ASUR), which has since disbanded (learn more about the group here). By hosting activities such as grocery-themed bingo night, DAWGS seeks to uplift the campus community and help students thrive during their time here at the University of Redlands.
“We’re like a group of students who lead in planning and implementing activities on campus for all the students,” says Jillian Strong, Assistant Director of Student Involvement.
Students flocked to the Bulldog room in Hunsaker to participate in bingo with their friends. The enjoyment that comes with the activity was apparent amongst the students who participated. Prizes included a box of Mac n’ Cheese, assorted pudding and chips, a set of towels, a chair pillow, a yoga mat, and a selection of four gift baskets. These baskets contained either a series of food and beverages, cleaning supplies, self-care products, or merchandise from the bookstore (the school spirit basket, in other words).
One participant, Lexi Riffel, went home with three prizes! “It feels great; I was just really lucky today,” she said.
Members of DAWGS, as well as the Dean of Students Ken Grcich, oversaw the event, with the latter even serving as the game caller. The solid turnout and the fun, often suspenseful, atmosphere of the event contributed to grocery bingo being a great success on DAWGS’ part. According to Strong, “It was a lot of fun to see folks win and just be excited.”
Future events can be found on the DAWGS Instagram account. “I encourage students to follow the DAWGS on Instagram to see what else is coming up this semester,” Strong advised. Their account can be found at we_r_dawgs. Other activities recently hosted by DAWGS include inviting therapy dogs to campus and the first in a series of gatherings called ‘We R 1. With the DAWGS having much lined up on the docket, students should have a lot to look forward to this semester.
Wylie Harris is a grad student majoring in Music Composition. He is a practitioner and avid admirer of both written music and written word. Outside of music and writing, he enjoys exercising in the gym, swimming laps in the pool, and taking walks across campus.