CAS Study Away Office Unveils New Study Abroad Opportunities

The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Study Away Office at the University of Redlands recently held a Study Away Information Session on Sept. 27, providing students with insights into study abroad possibilities for Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and May 2024. With multiple experiences and destinations awaiting them, the session aimed to equip students with the necessary information they need. Here are the key takeaways from the information session:

Financial Aid and Scholarships

According to the Office, the university desires to make study away programs financially accessible to students regardless of the program they choose. The university also encourages students to explore various external scholarships and grants available to assist study abroad fees. 

The application deadline for May term grants is Sept. 30, offering a great incentive for students to plan ahead and secure funding for their international journeys. Students who enroll in semester-long programs would be provided with a campus-like living experience. Tuition, board, and meal plans remain consistent with those on the Redlands campus. Course fees will be covered by the university, but there is a $40 application fee. However, this fee doesn’t apply to those choosing to do a May term. The university offers a travel grant of up to $3000 to eligible students for additional assistance.

Academic Requirements

The CAS Study Away Office highlighted the significance of semester away programs in fulfilling LAI (Liberal Arts Inquiry) or major requirements. One of the standout programs, the Salzburg program, not only allows students to complete LAI requirements but also offers elective courses in history, music, and art. Additionally, students have the opportunity to explore neighboring countries such as Italy, Croatia, Serbia and other cities during a 3-day long weekend excursion. For those seeking even greater diversity in their academic experience, the Salzburg +1 program offers the chance to take classes in Salzburg for one semester while opting for another semester in a different country. This flexibility can enrich students’ perspectives and broaden their horizons.

May Term Travel Courses

For those interested in shorter but equally rich experiences, the May Term Travel 2024 offers a diverse range of 8-10 exciting courses to choose from. These include international courses such as “Guatemala Service Learning in Language, Culture, and Education” and “Religious and Cultural Diplomacy in Spain and Morocco,” as well as domestic options like “Mile High Chemistry in United States: Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains.” The courses are led by University of Redlands faculty and require faculty approval for participation. Costs vary between $1500 and $2450, but the May Term grant can help with financial difficulties.

Future Information Sessions

The session concluded by advising students to thoroughly research their chosen program, seek guidance from academic advisors, and connect with previous study abroad participants. Additionally, students should apply for scholarships and schedule appointments with the CAS Study Away Office.

The CAS Study Away Office will continue to hold more information sessions, covering topics such as May term courses, scholarships, and additional study abroad opportunities. These sessions aim to ensure that every student can make the most of their study away experience.

For more information and to stay updated on upcoming events, students are encouraged to visit the CAS Study Away website or the CAS Study Away office.

Photo by Kyle Eaton.

Deborah Adu is a senior majoring in Chemistry on a Pharmacy track. She is also an international student from Nigeria. She is also engaged in multiple organizations such as BSU, RISA, Chemistry Club, Pre-health club and others. During her free-time, she loves listening to music, watching Gossip Girl, and napping.

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